The value of openly discussing revenue goals
Does your company or business unit openly discuss and track revenue goals? I suspect for many of you the answer is ‘no’.
Read the latest from Team Tingono
Does your company or business unit openly discuss and track revenue goals? I suspect for many of you the answer is ‘no’.
The pandemic years (2020 – 2021) can aptly be described as the golden era of SaaS.
What’s the old saying? Opinions are like something everyone has…some body part…I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but you get the point. I think.
Billy Beane, the protagonist of Michael Lewis’s best seller Moneyball, asked a simple question: Why do we make critical business decisions based on proxy m...
There are many reasons why investors and executives love SaaS. But one very powerful and often overlooked reason is the potential SaaS creates for compound...
In various roles in my career, I’ve had to ask myself: “What drives revenue growth for my business?” I think this is explicitly a math question, but I don’...
Someone said, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”. It’s often credited to W. Edwards Deming, the founder of the Total Quality Management (TQM) practi...
As Parry mentioned in his first blog post, our prior business experience practically goaded us to start Tingono. We love a good challenge; especially one w...
The seeds for Tingono were planted roughly five years ago when Sami and I were building our first AI startup, GlimpzIt.
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