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Customer Acquisition? 🔥 Done! So What’s Your Customer Retention Plan?

Have you ever moved to a new city with no one? Or maybe started a new job and want to befriend people in your workplace? Or maybe you started the new year ...

10 Must Read LinkedIn Posts: Revenue Growth (January 2023)

There’s no question there is a wealth of information available on LinkedIn. The collective wisdom can be staggering.

4 Signs You Aren’t As Data Driven As You Think: Part 2 - Messy Data

Sami and I started Tingono to deal with a specific problem, namely boosting recurring revenue growth. You can read more about it in my very first blog post...

Net Revenue Retention: the key metric for healthy SaaS business growth

Business is all about growth, isn’t it? Healthy, sustainable growth.

4 Signs You Aren’t As Data Driven As You Think: Part 1- Data Siloes

In 2022, the world created around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day!

Deep Learning & Revenue Forecasting

Wouldn’t it be nice to see into the future?

How to Increase Recurring Revenue from Existing Customers: Part 4 of 4

The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades. 😎

Creating Business Content that Draws in and Retains Customers

I’m not a data scientist or an engineer.

How to Increase Recurring Revenue from Existing Customers: Part 3 of 4

A big part of the hiring process for us at Tingono, and in most places, is hiring for a good cultural fit.

How to Increase Recurring Revenue from Existing Customers: Part 2 of 4

In 1926, Nikola Tesla predicted people would someday walk around with phones in their pockets.